Clothing." 124
96. Clothes-compulsiveness is incompatible with the natural patterns of nature, as expressed by every other
member of the animal kingdom. Humans are the only species to clothe themselves.
"Man's major aim is superiority . . . and one manner that he strives for it is
through clothes. Not only do garments protect and decorate, however they also give standing to the wearer, not merely with
respect to peers but, more importantly, in relation to man's place in nature. Clothing make a human being seem less
like an animal and more like a god by concealing his sexual organs." 125 Lawrence Langner adds: "Modern man is a
puritan and not a pagan, and by his clothing has been able to beat his feeling of shame in regard to his sex
He has done this by transforming his basic inferiority into a sense of
superiority, by linking himself to God in whose sexless picture he maintains to be made. But bring all his clothing away, and
It's clear to see he is half-god, half-creature. He's playing two opposing roles which contradict one another, and
the end result is confusion." 126
98. The physical barrier of clothing augments emotional barriers separating us from the natural world.
In our clothes-obsessed society, we have distanced ourselves so much from nature the sight of our
own natural state is frequently startling. Allen Ginsberg writes: "Truth may consistently surprise a little, because we are
creatures of habit, especially in our hypermechanized, hyperindustrialized, hypermilitarized society. Any
Demo of nature tends to appear shocking." 127
may be emotional damaging.
"Nakedness is the natural state of humankind; clothes demands a barrier between us
and God, nature, the universe, which functions to dehumanize us all."
" of the westerners [on nude beaches] in the south is an expression of some lack in their
Regular lives. After , whole sectors are now devoted to empowering folks 'to escape from it all.' What is it,
everything? Many will admit they're searching for something not available at home (apart from sun), something
to do with credibility, a state of being 'unspoilt'. . . . They've been stripped of their cultural heritage; and this is
rituals that attend the significant moments of our human lives." 129
100. As an example, the the alternative of going nude
during hot, humid weather significantly reduces the requirement for air conditioning. Most air conditioners use massive
101. Clothes is created by environmentally irresponsible procedures from environmentally irresponsible
agricultural techniques. Cotton constitutes half of the world's cloth eating, and is one of the most pesticidesprayed
Harvests in the world. Garments fabrication may also include chlorine bleaching, chemical dyeing, sealing
toxic residues in waste water.130
Accepted clothes conditions are arbitrary and inconsistent.
102. Clothing standards are inconsistent.
For instance, a bikini covering is accepted and even lauded on the shore, but is restricted elsewhere--in a
department store, for instance. Even on the shore, an expensive bikini is considered acceptable, whereas knickers-
-though it covers the same number--isn't.
103. Clothing requirements are arbitrarily and irrationally based on sex.131
Until the 1920s, for instance, female ankles and shins were considered sensual in Western cultures, though
men wore knickers. The Japanese considered the back of a female 's neck erotic, and current Middle Eastern
cultures conceal the woman's face. During follow , female U.S. army employees were forbidden from
wearing tshirts that bared their arms, as it'd offend the Saudi Arabian allies. Girls (but not men) were
forced to wear full army apparel in stifling heat.132
104. Now in The United States, women's breasts are seen as sexual and unexposable, even though they are
anatomically identical to all those of guys except for lactation capacity, and no more or less a sexual organ.