Reacting To beach pussy -Nudity Threat:
The concern most commonly voiced was the perceived lack of communication among naturist and nudist leaders. 8 The goal was to help develop grassroots leaders in clubs and shore support groups. expected to provide a clearinghouse for information useful to participating naturist individuals and groups who needed aid in combating anti-nudity policies and laws. The aim was to being as many naturist groups into NLC as feasible to keep the organization's grassroots spirit. NLC also was to bring together different groups who shared similar issues, so that they could join efforts to their common benefit. For example, John Kyff of the National Capital Naturists in Washington, D.C. started a file of all legal documents accessible to him pertaining to social nudity. This advice would then be made available to attorneys representing naturists' interests. The first chair of NLC was John Fitz-Gerald of the National Capital Naturists. Other early leaders included Beth Glatt, Michelle Handler, and John Mills.
By April 1988 nonetheless, FKK acknowledged in CWS that NLC hadn't lived up to its possible. Kyff had been able to amass a sizeable group of legal documents, but aside from meeting at a few FKK parties, NLC hadn't brought the interest of other clubs or naturist groups. Meanwhile, NLC leader Michelle Handler had decided that one target of the naturist movement should be to actively oppose the porn industry. was unsatisfied with what seemed to her to be an emphasis on attractive women in the pages of CWS. She became disruptive to NLC and the group found itself spending what little time it'd together attempting to react to her personal agenda.
NLC Becomes NNLC
Reacting To beach pussy -Nudity Threat: